DiscoveryDogs Venice Rescue Dog Training
If you wish to join our classes, the first step that we reccomend you, is a visit to our canine education center and an interview with our specialist to evaluate the cognitive abillities of your dog – in this case for search and rescue purposes.
Toghether with our coordinator and instructor you will choose and decide the program to follow that better suits you and your dog,in the prospective to become a canine unit for search and rescue activity.
In addition, we also train the Logistics Operators, who work at 360 ° during the search&rescue activities.
The Logistics Operators participate as a support to the canine units or they’re directly engaged in first aid operations.
They are prepared and trained to perform ground , rubble and urban search and rescue activities ; plus cartography , use of GPS technology, first aid, psychology of the missing person,technical rope rescue, hasty searches, grid searching for evidence or clues, use of DPI and USAR activities .
They support the Canine Units during research activities, taking care of the management of the intervention and coordination with PCA.
In addition, the logistical support team checks the cartography and the search area field, supervises the same area when the dog unit is operating and applies the first aid procedure in case of finding the missing person.
From several years now, we are continiously improving our technique,strategy and approch in the search and rescue field and we are training and forming future resources at a local and national level.
For many Civil Protection organizations, “the search and rescue dog ” specialization path in relation to Dog Rescue is a training activity subsequent to basic training, aimed at raising the skills and abilities related to a particular professional function.